I`m vertically challenged, living in a big city, trying to start a new life by finding a great job and a better body.

This is my story, Happy Reading :)

Monday, November 1, 2010

farewell October, hello November!

Well, when it rains, it pours. Don`t get me wrong, I`m grateful. October turned out to be a pretty great month.

The month started out with my mom having surgery to remove her breast cancer. She came out of that sittin`pretty as they were able to remove it all at once and she just needs some radiation to make sure there isn`t any hiding anywhere.

Shortly after that I FINALLY got my last cheque from Metalsmiths and my ROEs from Bell and Metalsmiths arrived so that I could complete my Employment Insurance (although Ì`m STILL waiting for a decision... good ole government..)

Then I started working at Michael Hill, and this is when the fun begins..
I went to fill out the paperwork to starting working there last Friday, and on my way out the Manager from Fido mentioned they were looking for an Assistant Manager, but at this point I`m hoping to see what else the world has to offer me other than another management position in a kiosk selling cell phones.
Then on the drive home, I get a phone call from the manager at Starbucks asking me to come in for an interview on Tuesday.

The weekend passes and my first shift at Michael Hill is Tuesday morning, followed by the Starbucks interview that afternoon. My first shift at Michael Hill was pretty uneventful, and I left with the impression that I`m going to enjoy it there - so far, I`m correct :).
My interview went well, I even got a free Vanilla Bean Frappucino - yum! I checked my phone on the way home and had a text from the hubby saying that a friend of his found out the Meridian bank located in the plaza behind my apartment building is looking for a part time teller and gave me the name of who to talk to, so I stopped in and brought a resumé and am now waiting for an interview sometime this week!

Back before I started at Metalsmiths, I interviewed for a part time job at Cleo, a clothing store in the mall. The manager loved me and wanted to hire me on the spot then, but the person that had decided to leave changed her mind, meaning there was no positions available, and the Metalsmiths job had panned out (full time and better pay) so I wasn`t upset. Well today, that manager spoke to my manager Michael Hill to ask if I would be able to work both jobs, or if it would be a conflict of interest! Unfortunately, that doesn`t fit with the needs of Michael Hill, so she was told politely that he wasn`t sharing.

Well wasn`t I flattered!!

So within the month of October (and first day of November...) I have had 5 potential job opportunities. Yes, 5. One of which I`m already employed by, the others are pending more interviews.
I won`t take all of them, I may not even GET any of them (although I hope a few work out so that I have some options and some permanency in my employment after Christmas).

Wish me luck!

What I don`t understand how people can say that they can`t get a job... all you need to do is put resumés out... you can`t get a interview if they don`t know you`re looking for a job. What happens during the interview can be a different story, but that`s up to the interviewee.

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