I`m vertically challenged, living in a big city, trying to start a new life by finding a great job and a better body.

This is my story, Happy Reading :)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

New City = New Life?

Back in June, my husband and I moved to the big city of St.Catharines (from Fort Erie, so to us this is a big city..) to be closer to our jobs. He had just started his new job at Clark Machine as a Machinist after being laid off for almost a year, and I was happy and secure (so I thought..)  at my job as a Store Manager for Solo Mobile in the Pen Centre.

I took the first week of June off to move in and get settled in our new place, and returned to work the next week, loving the fact that it only took my 1/3 of the time to get there... yay to sleeping in!!!

So I go back to work, and my Regional Manager drops a BOMB on me.... they no longer need my position. They`ve decided to change my store into a Bell kiosk (the parent company) and only need one Manager in the mall, meaning that I got the short end of the deal and the Manager from the main store gets to run both locations since he has more experience.
Now, they weren`t completely unreasonable... they offered me a lower positon, with less hours and less pay, or the option to take a Salary Continuance and stay on the payroll for a while and help me find another position in the company, with the option of finding one on my own outside of the company.

Naturally, I chose the Salary Continuance.. why not see what else life has in store for me!!

The very next day, I was walking through the mall, and walked past my ``old kiosk`` and noticed the neighbouring kiosk was looking for a Manager.....PERFECT!

I stopped and enquired, and had an interview the next day. One thing led to another, and I started my new job 2 weeks later.

Things were going well until my training period was over...then I wasn`t hitting my sales goals, had a customer complain about me, and a rep quit to go back to school.

So now, since I`m the Manager, I get to hire and train the new rep, when I myself am barely trained. That wasn`t too bad.. the knowledge to be passed along wasn`t too invloved, but I still didn`t have all the knowledge myself!!

Just before my 3 month probation period was over, my Area Manager comes in and tells me that I`m not `catching on` as quickly as she`d like and that my sales goals hadn`t been acheived in almost 2 months (along with the rest of the store..)
She was letting me go.
This wasn`t as bad as it might seem (2 jobs in 3 months..) since I wasn`t happy anyways and was planning on looking for other employment anyways.. we compromised and recorded that I quit on my dismissal papers.

So, now I`m living in a new city, with a new life in front of me, and this is my blog to share it with you!!!

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